Monday 24 December 2012

I've never been so cold in my life!!!

As you can see, the title of this blog post needed 3 exclamation points.  Yep, I love a good exclamation point, and the weekend just gone I needed them all when describing just how cold it was.  Not just cold.  Ridiculous cold!  And when I say ridiculous, I mean R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! At one point the temperature dropped to -35 degrees!

But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let me start at the beginning.

If you've been following my China adventure, you may remember that 2 weeks ago I was working in the south of China, in a city called Guangzhou.  The weather was great.  Warm almost everyday, temperature around 28 degrees, and me sitting by the pool while girls in bikinis fed me grapes.  OK, maybe the pool, grapes and women in bikinis is a bit too much - but you get the picture.

Coming back to Beijing was enough of a shock to the system.  When I arrived back home, the temperature was about -2 degrees.  Pffft! -2! Is that all you can throw at me? That I can handle.  But it was nothing compared to what awaited me the next weekend.

David, the Branch Manager at our Changchun station, was throwing a party for about 400 people -  200 clients, and 200 listeners and he sent me an email officially inviting me to take part, first by making a brief presentation and then by presenting some awards. All in the city of Changchun  North-east China, where the forecast for the weekend was from -35 to -27 degrees!

Sorry, what?!

Yep, -35 degrees to -27 degrees (and we're talking celsius here people!).  In a matter of one week, I will have dropped 63 degrees!  I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure that cannot be good for your body.

Once I got over the initial shock of going somewhere where it will be colder than the coldest place I have ever been, first thing I needed to do was go and buy a warmer coat.  Preferably one that covered every inch of my body, and that had a built in heater that kept me at about 20 degrees.  OK, maybe asking too much, but off I went to Yashow market and haggled over the price of a Canadian Goose jacket.  Happy with the price, and the coat, I tried it out in the -5 degrees Beijing had decided to deliver.  Beautiful!  But how would it survive -35?

Saturday morning, up at 5:30 and decided to catch the airport express which involved about a 10 minute walk to the station .  Temp = -12 degrees.  As you can see by this photo taken at the subway station, I looked very happy to be going to -35 degrees.  But I felt warm.

Oh, and the train didn't leave until 6:30, but I realised it takes about 10 minutes to get dressed.  5 minutes to do up the bloody zipper on the coat, then put on everything else - scarf, beanie, gloves etc.

Pretty much all of the flights I have been on in China, the planes have been full.  But for some reason, not today.  Strange?!  Why don't people want to fly to Changchun where the weather is cold, and -35?

Once we landed in Changchun (after seeing from the air just how white it was), I could feel the cold walking through the airport.  This was going to be something I will remember for a long time.

I met my assistant Milly ( who flew in from Shanghai) and then we met our driver.  OK, here it comes.  Time to walk outside.  Jacket zipped up.  Scarf on.  Beanie secure.  Gloves fastened.

Walking through the door, the cold just hit me in the face and took my breath away.  It was -22 degrees! The cold reached every inch of my body in a second. Wow, what a feeling.  It felt like when you are exercising in the cold, and breathing in the cold air - but about 100 times worse!

We got to the hotel and checked in.  Lesson 1 when walking on ice.  Beware the black/clear ice.  You know, the real slippery stuff.  I think I almost fell about 5 times, but managed to stop myself.

The day was uneventful.  We went to the office to interview some staff, then back to the hotel and got ready for the big party.  Leaving the hotel (around 5pm) the temperature was -27 degrees.  And sometime over night, it would drop to -35!  Bring it on!

Next 3 hours we were in a theatre (which was surprisingly cold considering they didn't turn on the heat) watching the show put on by the Changchun staff.  My presentation went badly (the PPT didn't work), then I was asked to come up and help the magician, which was also a struggle because I didn't know what he was saying, and he didn't speak English.  I have been learning Mandarin, but I don't yet know the Chinese word for "abracadabra".

After the show finished (around 11pm) we all went off for Karaoke.  Temperature, -32 degrees.  I'm not sure of the lowest temperature I have been in (maybe in the snow fields of NSW), but on the steps of the theatre in Changchun, I was now in the coldest place I have ever been.  The photo on the left is Lio (Branch Manager of Xi'an) and my assistant Milly on the steps of the theatre.  Photo on the right is me, asking myself "what the f*** am I doing here?"

We finished karaoke around 1am, and when we walked outside it was -35 degrees!  Even though I wasn't looking forward to it, and I could not think what -35 degrees could feel like, I did take a moment and thought that this was pretty special.  I'm sure I will get the chance to go back to Changchun during winter next year, but nothing is like your first time.  Right?!

A few things I learned from the weekend:

- Wearing suit pants in -35 degrees is not a great idea.
- If you travel outside with a bottle of water, it will freeze.
- Pizza Hut in China do breakfast (I know, a bit random.  But the bacon and egg sandwich on Sunday morning from Pizza Hut was awesome)
- Taxi drivers don't put the heat on
- No matter how many times you say "geez it's cold", doesn't make it any warmer.

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